Winner of three Gold Brandon Hall Awards for excellence in e-Learning.
We recruit therapists and clinicians to participate in
studies that help us evaluate evidence-based psychological training programs and tools
The Suicide Safety Net
Open Trial
Update June 1, 2014: This study is now closed and is no longer accepting participants.
Developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, the Suicide Safety Net is designed to provide mental health professionals with the resources necessary to implement best practice techniques for suicide risk assessment and management.
Quickly access critical information about your patients and local crisis resources in the event of a suicide crisis.
Receive step-by-step guidance on conducting a thorough and empirically-derived suicide risk assessment and crisis intervention with a suicidal client.
Each risk assessment is tailored to the specific characteristics of your client and is based on rigorous empirical research.
The end result is thorough documentation of the suicide risk assessment and management process, an essential component to reduce the risk of suicide-related litigation.
Are you interested in helping us test the Suicide Safety Net program? Want to use it for free?
We are now recruiting 30 clinicians to use the program for three months during our Open Trial.
Eligible clinicians will gain free access to the program for three months in exchange for completing monthly online surveys about your experiences. All eligible clinicians participating in this study will receive an additional six months access to the program for their time and participation in this study. To find out if you are eligible, take our eligiblity survey.
Funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
Our work has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals
Dimeff, L. A., Harned, M. S., Woodcock, E. A., Skutch, J. M., Koerner, K., & Linehan, M. M. (2015). Investigating bang for your training buck: A randomized controlled trial comparing three methods of training clinicians in two core strategies of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy, 46, 283-295.
Hubley, S., Woodcock, E.A., Dimidjian, S., Dimeff, L.A. (2015). Disseminating Behavioral Activation for depression via online training: Preliminary steps. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43 (2), 224-238.
Harned, M.S., Dimeff, L.A., Woodcock, E.A., Kelly, T., Zavertnik, J., Contreras, I., & Danner, S.M. (2014). Exposing Clinicians to Exposure: A Randomized Controlled Dissemination Trial of Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. Behavior Therapy, 45 (6), 731-744.
Harned, M. S., Dimeff, L. A., Woodcock, E. A. & Contreras, I. (2013). Predicting adoption of exposure therapy in a randomized controlled dissemination trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27, 754-762.
Dimeff, L.A., Woodcock, E.A., Harned, M.S., & Beadnell, B. (2011). Can evidence-based therapies be learned in highly structured learning environments? Results from a dialectical behavior therapy randomized controlled dissemination trial. Behavior Therapy, 42, 263-275.
Harned, M. S., Dimeff, L. A., Woodcock, E. A., & Skutch, J. M. (2011). Overcoming barriers to disseminating exposure therapies for anxiety disorders: A pilot randomized controlled trial of training methods. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 155-163.
Dimeff, L. A., Rizvi, S. L., Contreras, I. S., Skutch, J. M., & Carroll, D. (2011). The mobile revolution and the DBT Coach. The Behavior Therapist, 34 (6), 104-110.
Rizvi, S.L., Dimeff, L.A., Skutch, J.,Carroll, D., & Linehan, M.M. (2011). A pilot study of the DBT Coach: An interactive mobile phone application for individuals with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder. Behavior Therapy, 42, 589-600.
Dimeff, L.A., Paves, A.P., Skutch, J.M., Woodcock, E.A (2010). Shifting Paradigms in Clinical Psychology: How innovative technologies are shaping treatment delivery. In David H. Barlow’s (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology, 618-648. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dimeff, L. A., Koerner, K., Woodcock, E. A., Beadnell, B., Brown, M. Z., Skutch, J. M., Paves, A. P., Bazinet, A., & Harned, M. S. (2009). Which training method works best? A randomized controlled trial comparing three methods of training clinicians in dialectical behavior therapy skills. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 921-930.
Waltz, J.A., Dimeff, L.A., Koerner, K., Linehan, M.M. Taylor, L., & Miller, C. (2009). Feasibility of using video to teach a dialectical behavior therapy skill to clients with borderline personality disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16, 214-222.